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Age Sister Blog

Eleven ways to take better care of your brain health be eat move

In my last blog post I talked about how low mood, anxiety, and rigid thinking can creep into our lives around menopause and the years following. Many women in later mid-life also complain about...

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Brain health in women: What’s really going on as you age? be move

I was recently at a conference on healthy aging where one of the speakers, a researcher who studies the impact of aging on the brain, admitted that the question she gets asked the most often is,...

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What is forest bathing? be connect move

Shinrin-yoku is defined as “taking in the forest atmosphere or forest bathing”, and is a mix of mindfulness, physical activity and group experience. Although it sounds like you might...

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Why social wellness is so important in aging be connect

Having interpersonal relationships is one of the main ways that humans have evolved and endured. As people got older in early civilizations, supportive relationships were vital to their long-term...

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The key to a healthy diet might be more about what you’re not eating be eat

I hate to be an alarmist, but low-quality diets continue to contribute to a huge number of deaths. In 2017, poor diet killed 11 million people worldwide. Even though since 1990 that number has come...

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Want to reduce your stress levels? Be. Here. Now. be connect

“This magnificent refuge is inside you.
Enter. Shatter the darkness that shrouds the doorway.
Be bold. Be humble.
Put away the incense and forget
the incantations they taught you.
Ask no...

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