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Age Sister Blog

What is forest bathing? be connect move

Shinrin-yoku is defined as “taking in the forest atmosphere or forest bathing”, and is a mix of mindfulness, physical activity and group experience. Although it sounds like you might...

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Why women over 50 should break up with the bathroom scale balance eat lift move

Recently, I was diagnosed with an injury that has benched me from my regular exercise. Couple this with the impending onslaught of eggs, bunnies, and other chocolate wonders that appear this time...

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A simple hack to improve your balance through flexibility balance lift move

As we get older the range of motion around our joints, along with our muscle flexibility gradually declines. Loss of flexibility can eventually lead to issues with balance, increased progression...

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How do I start an exercise program at 50? Start with strength. lift move

Here it is sisters — the truth. If you are struggling with your weight, feeling a loss of strength, or you are having problems with balance, there is a good explanation. After menopause,...

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How to start exercising over 45? Start with this one simple change. move

For years we have been telling the public to get “moderate to vigorous” exercise for about 30 minutes a day, at least five days a week. In Canada we changed these recommendations a...

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How to improve balance and feel more confident balance move

“Life is a balance between holding on and letting go” ~ Rumi

As I gingerly picked my way through the snow and ice this morning, I was reminded about how women of my age start...

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